每学期托马斯F. 弗里曼荣誉学院拥有一位杰出的学者, 并帮助他们与托国立社区分享他们的故事! 




Ms. Omokhuwele Umoru 是弗里曼奖学金最杰出的高年级学生之一. Omo, 她的朋友和同龄人都知道她, 来自江户州, 尼日利亚, and is currently conducting research in the field of Computational Physics and Mathematics. She joined the 荣誉学院 as a 2nd-semester freshman and is graduating in December 2023. She hopes to someday be a data scientist and computational physicist. 在2023年的夏天, Omo received an internship award at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics in New York. 以下是我们的简短采访实录.



Omo standing outside the Flatiron Institute in New York City, July 2023



My research at the Flatiron Institute’s Center for Computational Mathematics is based on Computer Vision. Computer vision research aims to develop algorithms and computer 程序s that enable computers to interpret and understand digital images and videos. This technology has a wide range of important applications in our lives, 包括但不限于机器人, 医疗保健, 监视和安全, 运输, 增强现实和虚拟现实(AR/VR). Computer vision research has the potential to improve our lives in numerous ways by enabling us to process, 分析, and interpret visual information more effectively and efficiently. 

Creating AR and VR-assisted simulations of physics experiments is actually one of the short-term goals of the research project that I am involved in this summer.




Omokhuwele Umoru (left) with fellow Freeman Scholar Mark Ddamulira (right), 2023年春季托国立研究周



What has the 荣誉学院 done for your personal growth and development?

The 荣誉学院 has been a beacon of hope and support for me since becoming a Freeman Scholar. 除了我得到的慷慨的经济支持, I have also been exposed to various research opportunities and scholarly 程序s that I would have otherwise never been privy to. I am able to work on becoming the best version of myself daily and carrying on Dr. 弗里曼的不朽遗产. The College has been a home away from home at 德克萨斯南方大学 with a wonderful community of like-minded individuals.


How do you feel about being one of the featured scholars of the 托马斯·F. 弗里曼荣誉学院?

I feel immensely grateful and I would also love to recognize the achievements of all the other

荣誉学院的学者. I am proud to be a part of this 程序 and to have the opportunity to contribute to the advancement of knowledge in our field. I am excited to continue my academic and research pursuits and to make a positive impact on the world.


What are your plans for the future and how do you intend to get there?

I aspire to matriculate into a computational nuclear physics Ph.D. 程序. 我目前正在寻找硕士到博士学位.D. 希望能在2024年春季入学.



在学术成就和领导力方面, 荣誉学院大使副主席, 克里斯蒂安·萨拉斯, 最近取得了一个重要的里程碑. Selected as an HBCU White House Scholar for the 2023 Cohort, Mr. Salas's journey is not only a personal triumph but a testament to the culture of excellence in achievement.

作为荣誉学院大使副主席. Salas is already at the forefront of leadership within his academic community. His recent recognition as an HBCU White House Scholar adds another layer to his commitment to excellence and a promising future.

Currently immersed in his pursuit of a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, Mr. Salas envisions a future where he actively engages in policy formulation within the field of pharmacy. His passion for shaping meaningful change in the industry underscores the profound impact individuals can have when driven by a sense of purpose.

U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona acknowledges the exceptional talent within the 2023 HBCU Scholars, 声明, “Our 2023 HBCU Scholars are talented students who embody the culture of excellence and inclusion championed by our nation’s Historically Black 大学 and Universities.” Secretary Cardona extends his congratulations to each scholar for this prestigious recognition and expresses gratitude for their commitment to serving their communities.

The Initiative believes that by recognizing and supporting HBCU Scholars, they contribute to forming the next generation of leaders who will champion HBCU excellence. This recognition 程序 aligns with the broader goal of preparing students to compete for top opportunities that will uplift standards of living in their communities.

我们庆祝克里斯蒂安·萨拉斯的成就, we acknowledge the profound impact that HBCUs have in shaping not only individual futures but also the trajectory of communities and the nation as a whole. 克里斯蒂安·萨拉斯's journey is a testament to the transformative power of education and leadership within the HBCU community.